Keep yourself together with today's Groupon to Miracles of Massage in Lawrenceville. Choose between the following options:
- For $50, you get the hot-stone tranquility package (a $115 value), which includes the following:
- A one-hour hot-stone therapeutic massage
- A chi machine session
- An ionic detoxification footbath
- Inversion therapy
- For $35, you get a one-hour therapeutic massage (a $75 value).
For guests looking to release other body blockages from their protoplasmic prisons, a negatively charged ionic footbath gently extracts common toxins such as acids, heavy metals, oils, and fats accumulated after years of splashing barefoot through penny-laden fondue fountains. Last, customers harness the healing properties of gravity on an inversion table designed to elongate the spine and alleviate pressure on disks and nerves.
Shop through your UPromise account to earn 6% back or your EBATES account to earn 3% back.
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