Friday, September 9, 2011

9/9/11 Freebies

Aveda Damage Remedy Sample Pack- The free pack includes Damage Remedy Restructuring Shampoo, Restructuring Conditioner and Daily Hair Repair.  Just print this coupon and take it in to your nearest Aveda Salon or store.

Emergen-C Kidz- New Emergen-C Kidz has all the vitamin goodness of the original Emergen-C, specially formulated just for kids.

Jimmy Choo Fragrance This Saturday 9/10, visit your local Nordstrom store to pick up a Free sample of Jimmy Choo Eau de Parfum.

Sausage Biscuit at RaceTrac- Print this coupon and visit your local RaceTrac to get a sausage biscuit for free.  Expires 9/30/11.

Wedding Greeting Card- Know any brides to be?   Head over to Wedding Paper Divas and “Like” their page for a FREE Wedding Greeting Card (one per customer).  You can have it mailed for the cost of a stamp or shipped to your house FREE.  Offer expires 9/23.

Lactaid Supplements- LACTAID Fast Act works naturally to make dairy foods more digestible, giving you the freedom to enjoy the foods you want, when you want.

Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel- Soothes and prevents chafing caused by friction such as repeated rubbing of skin on skin or skin on clothing. It helps skin heal by reducing further damage from chafing.

Fiber Choice- Each serving of FiberChoice is packed with inulin, the same healthy fiber found naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Even better, inulin is a prebiotic fiber, and prebiotics nourish probiotics – the ‘good’ bacteria in the digestive system. So with two little tablets*, you get the general benefits of fiber while supporting the immune system, digestive tract – and your overall health.

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